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Hello and welcome. 

This site is the studio, home and hub of freelance creative Simon Edwards (that's me in the photo above). 

I am a freelance documentary filmmaker and photographer, and I've been framing the world through a viewfinder since the age of 8 when my parents bought me my first camera.   

I have had a long and varied career starting with photography at school, which lead to studyingfor a BA (Hons) in fine art at Birmingham City University. Then I went into television sports production, latterly working as a freelance video editor and occasional cameraman, working on everything from football, politics, live events and corporate video production. 

While I have mainly worked with video in the last few years the creative maverick art student in me still beats from within, so I have created this site to bring everything that I do under one roof. I'm starting with my MLP (Minimum Loveable Product), which will include examples of my passion projects, as well work for my own clients and freelance gigs.